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Government System of the Republic of New York

The President

The President is the head of state, Government, Commander of New York Armed Forces (NYAC)

He represents the country, maintains  compliance with the constitution, the government and the law, ensuring the regular functions of public authorities and the country as a whole. The President also leader decisions in economics and war

The Judiciary

President: BirdsAreCool#5462

Is the nation's court. It decides if the defendant is guilty or not guilty, and will lead the criminal investigation, in cooperation with the R.N.Y Police. The President does have some power in the judiciary however that is limited to mainly national security threats or high profile cases.

- Stephen I 
- Asa W.

The Senate/Assembly

The Senate of the Republic of New York consists of 10 people voted by the sovereign people. The senate must accept any decicions or reforms made by the president. 

Senators (5 Max):
- Kwaj
- Robert 
- Sovietluke
- Jason I
- Menta Herta 

Representatives (10 Max):
- Braxten
- Nate
- Avery
- Ethan V.

The Sovereign People

The Sovereign People vote who the president will be, when the time comes (either when the president has resigned, or his term is over). The sovereign people will also vote for the Senators and, they will also vote for Representatives. The Sovereign People will also vote for the members of the judiciary.

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